
This is my attempt to introduce my poetry to new readers and to continue helping my words grow day-by-day. I would love for this to be a workshop- a place of helping and sharing- so if you have suggestions for changes or if you have thoughts on a similar subject, your opinions are valued. Please comment! Please share!
Every single poem is a never-ending work in progress <3

Thursday, February 9, 2012

63rd Birthday

Dirt on my hands
caked on
from when I spilled the milk glass vase's
water all over your footstone
and wiped the dirt and grass out
of the engraved letters and dates

The eternity vase broke today
popped right out of its hole in the ground
I thought it was ironic
but I couldn't decide if it was hopeful,
or kind of sad.

Nothing lasts forever I guess
even if we name it like it does

I wish I could show more affection
than cleaning off your footstone
and jumping on the ground where your
belly should be
and propping flowers up in a no-longer-eternal
eternity vase

But I think you know that
and I think you appreciate the gestures

I still love you.
I guess I found the one thing that truly is forever.