
This is my attempt to introduce my poetry to new readers and to continue helping my words grow day-by-day. I would love for this to be a workshop- a place of helping and sharing- so if you have suggestions for changes or if you have thoughts on a similar subject, your opinions are valued. Please comment! Please share!
Every single poem is a never-ending work in progress <3

Thursday, October 25, 2012

One Day

One day
the world woke up
and realized
We are all dying
and nobody is doing much about it
The wars
oh, the wars,
One day
everybody woke up
and stopped trying
to convince
everybody else
that they were
And that war
it stopped
because, why
fight if
nobody is right
One day
the world
just as one
it began
When the
cycle of life
includes death
why do we expect
the world to last
and are we
surprised its not
once we've made
our world
and our people
so sick...

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Everybody acts like leaving here
is such a huge decision
Don't you make an equally large
decision everyday you wake up
to your same-old life and 
decide to stay?
Its funny how stagnant is the
"right" way to be
how testing the waters of life
is taboo--unless its a "normal" 
change, of course;
marriage, new job, promotion, new house,
those are okay.
The others may require risk
Maybe something negative will happen
The act isn't well received 
when your car is headed towards a person
and not a corporation.
What stability does your career promise?
What fulfillment?
Does it give you love in return
for all the time you give it?
All the life you sacrifice in its honor?
Today, I've spent my time alone.
Doing things I could do anywhere.
I have friends that know how to be friends from far and near.
I just may experience new, different life-
watch out,
I just may fail-- 
or succeed.
I may change
I may hurt.

I'm ignoring your normal. 

written August 2011

Morning Showers

Quick efficiency leave me in the morning
And today I keep thinking you, you, you,
as that weight in my chest waxes and wanes...
I wish there was a tide right here and now
so it would sweep me away-
and I would be powerless.
turning and swirling, over and under,
flailing or floating
no right or wrong
until I landed on some solid place
and that is where i would stay-
at least I'd know it was meant to be.
Then, I think, my masochistic heart would stop trying to confuse my healthy head.

written 3/17/2011


Some nights
I am sick with the
memories of all the
hurt and loss,
All the patterns of lies and
The broken promises
and the betrayals

They sit in my stomach like
sharp bile and they flood
into my heart, rising,
Until they choke me up
and stall my brain
on one question repeating--
"How many more before its more than I can take?"

written 2-24-2011

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Writing Fairy Tales

The base of my chin is raw from your stubble,
and my mind is torn from the night.
If anybody asks what I did,
I'll say, "I was writing fairytales."
I just won't say its my own.
Or that I don't know about
"Happily Every After" yet.

written 12/4/10

More Old LovePoem Stuff

When you wake up in the morning
will you smile
just to see my eyes opening next to yours
Will you walk me to the beach
and hold my hand
stopping to kiss my forehead
Will I come home and find dinner being cooked
and a handsome man at the stove
If I cry
will you comfort me until I laugh again
Would you take time to hear my fears and admit your own
When you see me naked
will you appreciate the curves of my body
even though I'm not model-thin
Will we be happy and free
Can we adventure always
Can life be about being happy 
instead of productive
Will you hold me until the
arms that wrap around me are as
familiar as my own
Are you all these things
Because I'm just indulging daydreams

written 12/3/10

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


We sat
and when you grabbed my hand
I flinched

not away from you
but towards a recent past
more faded than is necessary
or expected

And with a nail across a wrist
I knew something was being said
but I can't interpret the language, yet

Your touch is comfort
and heart-racing aphrodisiac
with hints of familiarity
so wrapped up in differences
I can't tell what is new or old

Is this what I'm supposed to understand?

Don't let go of my hands, or lips
if you prefer
because I'm just baby-stepping
towards a realization
and if you stay still it helps

Why now?
I will turn over what I'm meant to
but will it be what I'm
hoping for?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

63rd Birthday

Dirt on my hands
caked on
from when I spilled the milk glass vase's
water all over your footstone
and wiped the dirt and grass out
of the engraved letters and dates

The eternity vase broke today
popped right out of its hole in the ground
I thought it was ironic
but I couldn't decide if it was hopeful,
or kind of sad.

Nothing lasts forever I guess
even if we name it like it does

I wish I could show more affection
than cleaning off your footstone
and jumping on the ground where your
belly should be
and propping flowers up in a no-longer-eternal
eternity vase

But I think you know that
and I think you appreciate the gestures

I still love you.
I guess I found the one thing that truly is forever.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Reserves

The air was in-between,
No hint of warmth from the sun
and no chill on the edge of a breeze.
When the rain came,
I knew it would touch my skin with care,
So my dress collected softly, quickly, at my toe-tops.

We let drops hit every part of us--
No barrier
or embarrassment to block nature's approving eyes.
While my feet caressed barely pooling puddles,
I watched you trot and glide,
A modern-day Adam and Eve
set free in seventy acres of Spring's green privacy.

I've never laughed so joyfully!

You lifted me back into civilization,
wet on wet and smooth on smooth,
And the giggle in my heart did not stop--
Even after lingering laughter
skipped off my lips.

(written April 11, 2011)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Part 2 :)

I found myself in a room full of strangers
I found parts of me in a game of pool
and parts dancing to a live band
I found myself- friendly and fun and
I found out that kind people won't let you sit alone at the bar
I found out that a guy hitting on me doesn't have to be
a threat or an invitation--but an introduction to new people
or future friends.
I found myself- a guy's girl
in the laughter of the boys from Wisconsin
I found myself- a beautiful and intelligent sought-after-woman 
in the accent of Stuart from London
I found myself liking who I am (even if I am a bit of a flirt)
when I found myself
in a room full of strangers.

(written January 17, 2011)

Part 1?

When everything is white around me I don't know what color I am.
When everybody is bleeding red,
what do my insides look like?
I can be anybody, but I want to be me.
If only I could figure out who that is.
When you don't give me a cause, I don't have an effect.
Tell me how to find that brown haired girl
and shake her until she flies out
and shakes me back.
Will I wander into me if I keep living how I am?
Do I need to search me out?
And if so, where do I go to look?
What tools do I bring along?
A flashlight or a jigsaw?
Somebody bait me out so I can remember the color of my own blood.

(written January 13, 2011)

Remember when?

Remember when you used to love me, wet hair,
no makeup,
right out of the shower?

But that was so long ago,
and I guess its been awhile since
I felt
that you saw me as beautiful,
like you used to when I didn't even try.

There's a frame on the bed-stand
with a once-secret inside
and I can't bear to open it tonight,
Because it feels like so much time
and I don't know how we got to now.

Remember when you used to wake me up?

My body remembers and does it still
so it couldn't have been so long ago.
But tonight you're two miles down the road,
like you've been for six nights past,
might as well be two thousand miles
for how little I can feel you here.

I wish me, naked, hair wet from the shower,
no makeup,
was still more than enough 
to keep us happy.

But there are boxes full of me
and closets full of you
and a house full of failure instead.

(written November 17, 2010- edited before typed)

Tomorrows the 4th of July

I've been daydreaming today
Some visions of the future flashed
with white and couches and wet lips between tongues,
the past played, too,
sweet potato casserole, gold mines, and flowers on the table.
flowers come in envelopes to a girl aching for her best friend
biting her tongue and secret-ink-computer-byte-confessions
bubbling out of a new realization heart and,
oh, that heart it longs and loves to the air
or to miles of open field,
or to paper and 6 line addresses,
just right.

Night dreams would be nice
with legs touching, hair tangled breath
on head on chest on us so alone
and lips only three inches apart not three time zones--
You will come home and I will not
let go, I won't.
Hold me, please!
But when I have to, there will be pride,
You're the family of the 4th of July!

Everybody watches sparks in the sky
"celebrating" the men and women
that sleep outside and eat fake food
to get enough calories to carry their everything
they have on their backs,
just so one Lovely day they can be dropped on a place
they don't want to be,
where they are not wanted,
without their loved ones,
for men sitting in suits in their fancy offices fucking not-their-wives,

Happy Independence Day USA!

Now, give him back
so I can tell him, "Oh, god, I
love you so much,"
and there can be flowers on the table
and words in mouths
and hands in hands.
I'm living in a land of daydreams
and all I want is to make more days!

Instead of that heavy green responsibility on your back,
carry me in your arms.

(written July 3, 2010)