
This is my attempt to introduce my poetry to new readers and to continue helping my words grow day-by-day. I would love for this to be a workshop- a place of helping and sharing- so if you have suggestions for changes or if you have thoughts on a similar subject, your opinions are valued. Please comment! Please share!
Every single poem is a never-ending work in progress <3

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Remember when?

Remember when you used to love me, wet hair,
no makeup,
right out of the shower?

But that was so long ago,
and I guess its been awhile since
I felt
that you saw me as beautiful,
like you used to when I didn't even try.

There's a frame on the bed-stand
with a once-secret inside
and I can't bear to open it tonight,
Because it feels like so much time
and I don't know how we got to now.

Remember when you used to wake me up?

My body remembers and does it still
so it couldn't have been so long ago.
But tonight you're two miles down the road,
like you've been for six nights past,
might as well be two thousand miles
for how little I can feel you here.

I wish me, naked, hair wet from the shower,
no makeup,
was still more than enough 
to keep us happy.

But there are boxes full of me
and closets full of you
and a house full of failure instead.

(written November 17, 2010- edited before typed)

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