
This is my attempt to introduce my poetry to new readers and to continue helping my words grow day-by-day. I would love for this to be a workshop- a place of helping and sharing- so if you have suggestions for changes or if you have thoughts on a similar subject, your opinions are valued. Please comment! Please share!
Every single poem is a never-ending work in progress <3

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Long Time Gone... but Worth it??

So a number of things have happened in the past two weeks that have caused me not to update my poetry every weekday like I had been.
1. While still in Alabama, I realized that I needed to find the poetry I had written in Dr. Eklund's class- rough drafts and all. I knew that the notebook/binder/folder was somewhere in Loveland, Ohio. Not an easy fix from 500+ miles away! I decided to wait until I got to Ohio to find them, and then continue posting new poems from there.
2. My grandma got really sick. I don't really feel like going into details, but it was very emotionally tiring and time consuming, so it was obviously more important to spend time with my Meme and my family than to find my long-lost-poetry. But believe me, it was on my mind. Even after finding it, I didn't have much time to sit and choose poems to post and to dilly dally on the internet. And even when I had time, I was just sooo drained that I couldn't bring myself to do much of anything productive.
There is good news in all of this. Not only did I locate my poetry (as I have mentioned above) but there are some GEMS hidden in there that I never even pursued, so I am really excited to start getting some of it up here!
P.s. I know that all of you who read this probably already knew what was going on and weren't terribly concerned about my blog, but just in case there is somebody else out there that has been checking in, I wanted to make sure I explained :)

August 31, 2009

My body is a newly spun cocoon
holding myself
as I Transform,
Meaningless on its own,
Empty eventually,
Powerful always.
The insides crawl and wrap,
Swallowed by Learning
and Life,
Hoping to emerge Better than before,
or maybe just Different,
but never,
the same.
I won't emerge without growth,
unless the cocoon fails me--
Unless I Fail myself.

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