
This is my attempt to introduce my poetry to new readers and to continue helping my words grow day-by-day. I would love for this to be a workshop- a place of helping and sharing- so if you have suggestions for changes or if you have thoughts on a similar subject, your opinions are valued. Please comment! Please share!
Every single poem is a never-ending work in progress <3

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A lot has happened since you've been gone,
A whole lifetime has been lived
maybe two or three,
and those are only mine.
One day I graduated high school,
and in five short weeks I'll graduate college.
Oh, I met a boy, and another,
and a few I guess I could call men.
You may have liked one of them,
Maybe this one,
I hope so,
I'd like your approval.

I've grown a few feet--I think I might still have some inches to go
(wishful thinking),
I've flexed smile muscles billions of times,
I've cried buckets of tears (not a tenth or hundredth as many as those smiles- promise).
I had braces once,
well, twice kind of...
I think.
I've gotten pretty drunk
but I've never gotten sick 
or blacked out,
You'd probably think it was pretty funny,
Maybe you'd be mad,
I think you'd laugh even if you worried.

I went overseas and I'm going again,
I think I'm figuring out my dreams,
They may change.
Somewhere along the way I became a little bit of a hippie,
Maybe I would remind you of Mom,
or Yourself.
I've read so many books,
one of them was yours,
its one of my favorites,
I'd like to talk to you about it.

I've had my own apartment
And a house, too, 
My roommates are great,
and I'll miss them when they're gone.
I've made so many friends,
I've lost a few, too,
but I try to keep my life balanced-
or happy- or free of negative influence.
I think a lot.
I think I've got a lot of things right,
do you agree?
I know you watch when you can,
I like to think you do.
I think about what happens afterwards a lot,
One day you can tell me if I was right,
but I'll already know.

I've done so many things, I don't know where to start or stop.
I think most importantly I've loved,
all kinds of ways,
and people love me, too.
I know you do-
I send love up there,
I'll try to remember to send more,
I'm sorry if I haven't given enough.

I try not to think of the times you've missed,
Does it bother you, too?
Do I have a right to cry over you even though I barely knew you?
Maybe I cry for you
and not for me.

It's about to storm outside and that makes me happy,
Do you like thunderstorms?
By the way, I'm saving a big hug for you
and I have a tattoo to help me remember.
Forever Things.
I guess that's all,
I miss you,
I love you.
You live on in our hearts-
I hope its a happy place to be,
(I just like to say it sometimes)

written April 5, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Flexed smile muscles? Did you know that it takes more muscles to initiate a frown? Which means happy people are just lazy!
